Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hi Everyone

This is my first post. In time, I would add more things about Jin Shin Jyutsu to share with the world about my passion for this healing art. Would like to dedicate this site for those teachers who have spent their life researching and promoting this art to the world mainly to Master Jiro Murai of Japan, Master Mary Mariko IIno Burmeister. I would show that age would not be a barrier in learning such arts and people around my age who yearns to learn things like this should bravely do so. Hope this blog could be a inspiration to many and help more people to see a brighter side of their lives through the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

To start of, I would like to mention that the upcoming post I would make would be strictly not official to the main Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc office in Scottsdale Arizona, United States of America and they are purely my own opinions. So people who choose to use the information posted are at their own risk and I would not be liable in such cases. And if anyone do not like the site, please leave immediately, nobody is forcing you to stay. This site is personal and people interested to understand more about Jin Shin Jyutsu from the insights I would share which I hope would be helpful and useful to many.

Till then

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