Friday, September 18, 2009

Practicing the Art

OK this is my first official post about the Art.

Jin Shin Jyutsu How To Practice this Art

  • Introduction
I often describe Jin Shin Jyutsu as 'Acupuncture with the fingers' with a twist, but it involves no manipulation, pressure or massage, so it is safe for every body from 0-100+ years of age. This twist is Jin Shin Jyutsu is about the understanding of the relationships of the energetic world to apply to the physical body through Body, Mind and Spirit. So at times when you work on clearing the block energy, you may not touch that area at all but touch the area around it to clear blockages. From what I know acupunture help to increase or decrease the various organ function energy and are usually on the sides where the circulation pattern pass (please correct me if I am wrong).This ancient healing Art on the other hand harmonises and balances the life energy in the body by using the fingers and hands (over clothing) to alleviate symptoms of discomfort and disharmony. This 'energy medicine' is a gentle, yet powerful and profound tool for health and well-being which is yet simple to learn and has immediate benefits.

Learning Jin Shin Jyutsu engages one in self study, self help. Through the process of 'Now Know MYSELF' we recognize the wisdom of the body, and we learn to interpret the messages provided and utilize them to restore balance. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied by a practitioner, but it is also powerful and effective as self help.

  • The Jin Shin Jyutsu Treatment (by a Practitioner) and additional information
It is believe everyone can learn to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu as Mary always says that it is a inborn art of many that does not require much training to learn. In the session, the receiver lies face up and fully clothed. The JSJ practitioner uses light touch on the body over particular energy sites called Safety Energy Locks (has a 6 inch radius around these areas) along energy pathways and sometimes other areas as well. Two energy sites are held simultaneously until the tension or congestion is released. Then one hand is moved to another energy site, and along areas of the body where there is tension. Each energy site can take seconds or minutes to release and re-energise. Treatments generally take 45 minutes to an hour. Treatment can then be repeated 8 hours later.

Repeated treatments depend on the individual and the particular situation. Often it is for no particular 'problem', but as a preventative 'tune up' or just to treat oneself to a nurturing, relaxing and revitalising hour. After several Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments, a person can really feel the difference and has a sense of real balance and vitality, so they are better able to distinguish when they are out of balance.

Jin Shin Jyutsu has been a complement to aid in Heart surgery patients, Cancer patients, patients undergoing dialysis and studies in the US have shown that many of these patients who received Jin Shin Jyutsu lead healthier and better lives ever than before. Jin Shin Jyutsu is therefor a powerful available tool (24/7) and is inbuilt in everyone (all you need is your hands and the entire world is within your grasp-when you study jsj, you will understand what I say more).

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help
Involves the same procedure as above, only difference is that one places ones own hands on the body. It is believe that self-help procedure is 74% as effective as one being treated by the practitioner.

  • Others

Another thing is when searching for information about Jin Shin Jyutsu, I suggest to only search for Jin Shin Jyutsu and not other forms of Jin Shin which is inaccurate from the true intentions of Jiro Murai. Many times when I do a search on the internet, I am really amused by the rapid number of people who practices Jin Shin Jyutsu with their own version and change to suit themselves and then call it my art. Where is the integrity, I dunno, it simply do not work for me.

Have fun

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