Sunday, November 1, 2009

#1 flow pattern

#1. The position 1 located on the inside of the knees is also known as a prime mover. If you have just started on JSJ, this is the most correct point to hold. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, there are no negative positions, only positive to aide the body. The #1, helps start the body moving. A practitioner, who herself was helping people, got sick once. It was just a common flu that would not go away no matter what complicated poses she held, and so she went back to the most basic.Her #1. Her flu which would not go away with 3 days complicated flow, went away in the hour that she was holding her #1.
This is the easiest position to achieve. You sit anywhere, and cross your arms so that they are holding the opposite inside of your knees. THIS IS #1. You CANNOT GO WRONG with it. You can do it when you're watching TV, when you're taking a break at work, of you can do one #1 at one time, whatever suits you. So by holding both sides of #1 regularly, you will be intrigued by its results.

Thats it for now and have fun. =)

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