Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Spine

A very important area in the body. Keep it straight and in harmony and your body will also be in order. So next time if you are thinking of visiting the chiropractor, you may want to hold your fingers. Just like the fingers, the spine as well connects to all your body energies. The discomforts in your body is mainly caused by your organ function energy disfunctioning. That is all you guys have to know.
To recap which organs the fingers are connected too:
1)Thumb (Stomach(yang) and Spleen(yin))
2)Index (Bladder(yang) and Kidney(yin))
3)Middle (Gall Bladder(yang)and liver(yin))
4)Ring (Large Intestine(yang) and Lung(yin))
5)Little (Small Intestine (yang) and Heart(yin))
6)Palm (Umbilicus(yang) Diaphragm(yin))

Till then, see you all next time.


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