Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey everyone, i will be helping to "decode" Nick's words today, together with the many stories of JSJ.

We're looking at choking on this post. People especially our kids choke on many things, small things like lego blocks, play dough, or the larger stuff we all choke on like fish ball, or mini mini stuff like fish bones. This will also help those who have problems in their esophagus, also know as their throat. These are those who have difficulty with eating as their throat would encounter problems.

In an acute situation we go to the emergency hold (choking, breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, sudden weakness in the body). Hold the inside of your knees. When we sit down and our legs come together at our knees, the line just below the knob of our knee, is the #1 in JSJ. If you are doing for someone else, keep in mind whether sitting or standing, it would be good to cross your arms and hold their inside of knees. This is because it helps bring energy down and there is a positive criss-cross of energy pattern.

Nick has also suggested shifting your hands, where instead of holding the person's inside of knees, you could also move you're hand one palm space up from the inside of knees, and on the thigh and hold it there instead. This is a more direct aid to the problem, but should you have any confusion, the #1 works positively as well.

Also another aide to the #1, is the #19. This is our inner elbow, and it deals with authority. Have you ever wondered why people fold their arms when they're irritated, angry, or intimidated by what someone else has said or is saying to or about them? This is the reason. Our #19 is authority. When we cross our arms, our fingers are often resting on our arms, and it is close to the high #19. Fold your arms but allow your fingers to rest on the arms, and shift your top two fingers another three spaces up and you are right at the high#19.

The high#19s help to open up two energy sites on your back (#9#10). These two sites are located at the mid and bottom of your triangular shoulder blade. As they reside in the chest area, it aides in clearing the chest and helps the digestive system.

The last # is the #12. It is located at the sides of your neck, meaning both sides. This is like in old chinese movies, where people try to check if a person is dead or not, they put their fingers at the side of their necks to feel their pulse. Same position, and this position would help clear blockages and obstructions in your throat.

For mothers who's children have epilepsy who tend to choke when they lie down, #12 would help, but a faster and more efficient way would be holding the big toes (#7). Use your right hand to hold his right big toe and your left hand to hold his left big toe. This will cause your arms to be in a cross position. Why the big toe?

Epilepsy is caused by too much electrical charge in their brains, and because it has no where to go, it goes haywire in the minds. This applies to those who's fits are more vivid, such as those who foam at the mouth, as well as those who do not foam, but tense up and twitch instead. #7, the big toe is the opposite of the top of the head, it is the bottom of the body. Holding the big toe, which is at the end of the body, will pull all the additional charge from the top of the head down, clearing their heads of the electricity charge, allowing for faster recovery.

This is a tried and tested method, as i use to teach children with autism, and one of my students had epilepsy. His fits could last up to 30mins, and parents, i know that that is a scary time frame, but with holding his big toes, 90% of the time he recovered just two minutes into the fits.

For those thinking about epilepsy, no, the electrical charge will not come into you instead. We are like channels for the negative energy to be removed from the body, but no, the energy will not pass to you, just channeled out. the body will have it's own way of discharging the negative energy, and seeing that epileptic children have no way of discharging that negative energy, our fingers work as jumper cables to help start their healing process, and as channels, we do not take their negative nor their positive energy.

Both Nick and I will spell more about jumper cables in the next few posts, so do stay tuned to how to better help everyone including yourself! =]


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