Saturday, October 3, 2009

Safety Energy Locks

Here is a very important piece of information to study JSJ which is the location of the Safety Energy Locks (Main points) or sometimes refers to points/locks of the body. When the body is in healthy state, the locks do not "get locked" but if the body is in distress with our daily way of life which abuses it, they locked up as they act as circuit breakers in the body. If they are not unlocked, energy reverses and go through another route. Just imagine a traffic system which is being overload, the body cannot function properly in such a traffic jam. Some of the early warning includes backaches, neckaches, leg pain, fatigue and if nothing is done to open them, more serious illnesses occur. Here is a brief idea about their profile:

This chart is very important as after this post, I would be posting information about how to holding these points to help body mind and soul so stay tune to this blog.

So if anyone needs help with the location of points, please email me and I will try to help. You can also email me any questions and I will try to respond asap.

Best wishes

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