Monday, October 19, 2009

The Trinity

Hello again, I promised to add the other 2 trinity exercise other than the main central vertical flow.
The 'Trinity' in Jin Shin Jyutsu consists of the Main Central Vertical energy - Universal Source of Life(see earlier post), the Supervisors (left and right energy-where the Organ Function Energy is which I will talk about it soon), and the Mediator (which keeps the crossing of the energies from left to right and vice versa harmonized and revitalised). The Trinity is a truly powerful combination of exercises as it addresses everything and helps everything on every level especially those hard to treat problems. Do all three exercises, or just one at a time and be amazed at the result you can see.

Self help for Harmonising Left and Right Major Supervisors Energy: (right flow) Place left hand on right shoulder (SEL11&3 area) and right hand on right groin (SEL 15) then after a few minutes after both hands pulse at the same beat, move the right hand and hold the right buttock (SEL 25). Reverse the hands for the LEFT flow. The Right flow helps the energy to ascend while the Left Flow helps the energy to descend. Its like "energy down the front and up the back".

Self help for Harmonising Mediator Energy: (to harmonise the left side energy) Place the left thumb over the left ring fingernail to make a circle (one of the mudra which I will cover some next time) and place the right hand over the left shoulder (over SEL 11&3 area). At the same time, bring the knees together. Mary herself mentioned in Self Help book 1: The Mediator energy is the main cause for disharmony in the body. It is vitally important to keep this energy functioning as it should for the ultimate supply of energy to the whole man.  Thus, if this energy is not in balance, be sure that lots of disharmonies would show up in the body. I am not trying to scare you but indeed many projects happen because of the disharmony in this energy pattern.

So yes, these 3 energy patterns are the most important in keeping the body in balance. Its like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for Christians. 1 cannot exisit without the other and they are all related in some sense, neither there are 3 energy source flowing in the body. There is only 1 energy course in the body moving simultaneously in the body which can flow easily, stuck/jammed or anything. Its just how we live our lives and what we do. You are the maker of your destiny.

In a more advanced note: If you've been on the 5-day Jin Shin Jyutsu seminar and have Text 1 and Text 2, then you'll find the Main Central on page 37, the Supervisors on pages 50 and 51, and the Mediator on page 53 - all in text 1. I am sure the instructors will stress on their importance of keeping these energies in total harmony and balance.

The Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help books by Mary Burmeister/ The Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister can be ordered from the International Headquarters, Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc in Scottsdale, Arizona. I have provided the link in the blog. Please purchase them if possible, it will be very helpful. Around the country, there are many self help classes/groups that one can join. If you are interested in attending any of these, email me and I will try to find a practitioner to further assist you.


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