Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hello! =]

Hi everyone, I'm Agnetta, thought most people would call me Aggie, seeing my name isn't the most common and easiest to pronounce names. Like Nicholas has already introduced, I have just started studying Jin Shin Jyutsu just this year. I know the name is a mouthful, and I promise after this introduction everything else is going to be short and sweet. =]

I know most people have yet to see the miracles and virtue of Jin Shin Jyutsu, so I will be the administrator posting more stories. (posting the steps can drive people nuts! =]) here's one..

this is the most basic flow, also know as the main central flow, which has been posted and can be found at the labels right at the bottom of the page. The previous post would include picture visuals for better understanding. This flow consists of 6 poses, and is one of the most basic where anyone can do and anyone can do for anyone else.

1. Put your right hand over your head, RIGHT, and left hand in the middle of your forehead.
2. Shift your left hand to the tip of your nose.
3. Shift your left hand to the middle of your sternum, also more commonly identified as the middle of your chest.
4. Move your left hand to the base of your chest, where your two sides of the ribcage meet to form a V.
5. Move your left hand to your pubic bone, coming from top down.
6. Lastly, move your RIGHT hand to your coccyx, the butt bone you sit on.

Notice that your RIGHT hand only CHANGES position ONCE, from the top to the bottom. Anywhere else in between, your right hand stays on your head. Also in the previous post, Nicholas mentioned about letting your pulse harmonize or synchronize. Most people who have just started with Jin Shin Jyutsu are usually unable to feel the pulse, theirs or someone else. If that happens, we have the cheat code, *this is for beginners only. students should be learning how to feel pulse already!* You hold every pose for 10minutes, so it gives the energy time to move through the body before you move to the next pose.

For beginners and this is the first time you're approaching Jin Shin Jyutsu, welcome, but just a note to remember, if this is your first venture, treatment is not instantaneous. if you don't feel results straight away, don't worry. It'll come.

As we progress through everyday life, stress, presures, little injuries, old injuries are always there to bog us down, and this will affect our body in balance, and as time goes by, we wonder why we feel down and out all the time. Mothers with children will always wonder why your shoulders will always hurt after all these years even after your children are grown. Dancers and athletes will wonder why muscle and bone still hurt long after retirement from sport. These are all the accumulated negative energy that is not let go by the body.

Here's my story of today:

My mom has four kids, and my youngest brother and i have an age gap of 10 years, making me 19 and him 9. For everyone's information, my youngest brother actually has down's syndrome, for those who are familiar with the term, but today's story isn't about him. My main antagonist is my mother. Having carried babies since i was alive till my brother was about 5 which would be 4 years ago, she has carried babies for 15 years. From lugging us around to carrying us when we whine and complain, the strain has finally taken toll on her shoulder. She suffered from a frozen shoulder for many years without realising it, only through JSJ did the problem surface. Now is JSJ the culprit? No it isn't. It helped identify a problem where there was a need, identification allows for correction to move on to better and greener pastures. Her shoulder was injured to the point where it became difficult to drive as it hurt to turn right.

Problem problem and problem. Here's the solution.

JSJ. It opened up her shoulder to recieve treatment and because of the accumulation through the years, although recovery is slow, it is definitely steady and obvious. She couldn't turn her arm from her shoulder to her elbow, couldn't raise her hand up more than 90 degrees, but now, after 3 1/2 months of JSJ, she can reach the clip i put on the top of her head. Though her arm is not fully recovered, it is definitely improving. 3 months ago when we went to see a physiotherapist, he suggested going under the knife. Not only would that have been additional negative energy, it was also a waste of time and money when JSJ is FREE!! Now she punches me back when i punch her, and i think she punches harder.

All because of JSJ. She never knew all the complicated flows before. She started out with the main central flow.

There is however some information to take note of. If your body is in serious disharmony or much in balance, when doing the poses, when the body discharges negative energy, it might have a tendency to twitch or jerk. THIS IS NORMAL. This is because what we do not understand about our body, the body understands about itself. It is pulling and pushing itself back into order. My mom will twitch when she does JSJ. Because of her arm injury, the body needs to pull itself back into alignment, making her move. It might look weird or freaky, it isn't. It's our body's way of pushing ourselves back together without having to go under the knife. This doesn't usually happen until later in the treatment, so for those starting, relax, you will not twitch at everyone touching you.

Back to the topic of the flow, though this is one of the most basic flows, it has other uses. For a general body regeneration, or balance and harmony, follow the 6 steps posted above. Should you have other minor injuries, such as a sore throat or a flu bug that seems consistently around you, hold the top of your head with your right hand, and with your left hand, more to whatever area that needs help.
Example, if you're having a sorethroat, hold your throat with your left hand. If you're having a stomachache, hold your stomach with your left hand. All with your right hand on top of your head.

So everyone, here's my sharing with JSJ. likewise, i am not a master, we are all walking this journey together, regardless of race and religion. this is our journey to getting the best out of one life to be lived.

Living life,

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