Saturday, December 19, 2009

Swollen legs

Hi all

Long time since I last post already. Been really busy with stuff. Anyway, today heard my friend have swollen legs which is unbearable. I promise this post to my friend so here am sharing. If you look at my earlier post for where the safety energy lock are, the safety energy lock #15 is the sight for swollen parts of the body and for numbness as well, can also hold the site designated for pain in jsj in my earlier posts. Can also hold site no. 3,9,8,16. Hold middle finger for quickie.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Spine

A very important area in the body. Keep it straight and in harmony and your body will also be in order. So next time if you are thinking of visiting the chiropractor, you may want to hold your fingers. Just like the fingers, the spine as well connects to all your body energies. The discomforts in your body is mainly caused by your organ function energy disfunctioning. That is all you guys have to know.
To recap which organs the fingers are connected too:
1)Thumb (Stomach(yang) and Spleen(yin))
2)Index (Bladder(yang) and Kidney(yin))
3)Middle (Gall Bladder(yang)and liver(yin))
4)Ring (Large Intestine(yang) and Lung(yin))
5)Little (Small Intestine (yang) and Heart(yin))
6)Palm (Umbilicus(yang) Diaphragm(yin))

Till then, see you all next time.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Jin Shin Jyutsu Self care for Women - PMS
PMS (Pre - and Post! - Menstrual Syndrome) - A sudden cramping in the pelvis for this problem is very uncomfortable and painful to say the least for many ladies there. This amazing and awesome Jin Shin Jyutsu hold was discovered one day through a sudden cramp of a lady i knew when she drove and stopped at the red light. Its simple yet profound.

Its the last hold of the MCV (Main Central Vertical)self help: Left hand goes just above the pubic bone (front of body) and right hand goes on the coccyx (back of body) - see previous posts for the full MCV flow. This hold moves the stagnant energy through that part with immediate results to start: by the time the light turned greenn the cramp had simply gone, and it has never come back again like that for a long long time.

This hold is also good for heavy legs, poor circulation of the body, cold feet and legs that 'jump'. Simply generally leg projects.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese healing art. The Magic is in your hands. Try and believe.

Have fun

Sunday, November 1, 2009

#1 flow pattern

#1. The position 1 located on the inside of the knees is also known as a prime mover. If you have just started on JSJ, this is the most correct point to hold. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, there are no negative positions, only positive to aide the body. The #1, helps start the body moving. A practitioner, who herself was helping people, got sick once. It was just a common flu that would not go away no matter what complicated poses she held, and so she went back to the most basic.Her #1. Her flu which would not go away with 3 days complicated flow, went away in the hour that she was holding her #1.
This is the easiest position to achieve. You sit anywhere, and cross your arms so that they are holding the opposite inside of your knees. THIS IS #1. You CANNOT GO WRONG with it. You can do it when you're watching TV, when you're taking a break at work, of you can do one #1 at one time, whatever suits you. So by holding both sides of #1 regularly, you will be intrigued by its results.

Thats it for now and have fun. =)

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hi everyone,

sorry if the following posts look kinda messy and all over the place. we are currently going through a restructuring and will be up the end of the week! please bear with us to help us help you yeah?


Something about Mary Burmeister

Hello all

After saying so much about this art, I know many of you are asking, what is the history of the art...Here is to provide you with some history... This talks about the woman who brought most of the teachings of JSJ to the modern world. She is the very close student of the Master who dramatically rediscovered this art in the early 1900s. Without the 2 of them, this art would be lost. Next time I would talk abit about Master Jiro Murai (rediscover the art) and Dr. Haruki Kato (the other close student of Murai). To find the picture of her (Mary), please go to the international website which I have provided on the site as well.

Lately been finding what to share and yeah, found this great article which talks a lot about her already so i guess its needless to write more about her since others have done it (who definitely knows her more than we do).

An Interview with Mary Burmeister,
Master of Jin Shin Jyutsu®
by Melissa Higgins
Article published in the March/April 1988 issue of Yoga Journal

The tiny, energetic woman placed one of my hands in hers, grasping my forefinger firmly but not tightly. Her eyes sparkled as she looked into mine and said, "See? Isn't that simple?" Miraculously, the tension of months of work disappeared. It was Jin Shin Jyutsu® in action, she explained.

Categorizing Jin Shin Jyutsu can be as difficult as pigeonholing its one-woman leading force, Mary Burmeister. More than a style of bodywork, it's a philosophy of life taught by a master who lives her philosophy.
Burmeister describes Jin Shin Jyutsu (which means "art of the Creator through compassionate man" in Japanese) as a "physio-philosophy" that is used by everyone unconsciously, doesn't "do" anything, yet encompasses everything. "I call it the art of life, the art of life itself. It is the whole cosmos and cannot be categorized," Burmeister explains.

The purpose of Jin Shin Jyutsu is to release the tensions that cause various physical symptoms. The body, Burmeister teaches, contains energy pathways that feed life into all cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, the damming effect can lead to discomfort or pain. Jin Shin Jyutsu, like acupuncture and acupressure, reharmonizes and balances the energy flows.

Recently I participated in Burmeister's five-day Jin Shin Jyutsu course to learn more about this little-known "art" from the Orient. Although she has a large and loyal following, Burmeister keeps a low public profile and, until now, has never allowed an interview.

Based on ancient knowledge of the body and creation, Jin Shin Jyutsu was passed down orally from one generation to the next and had virtually disappeared in Japan when it was rediscovered in the early 1900s by Jiro Murai, a Japanese philosopher. As a young man, Murai contracted what was diagnosed as a terminal illness. He asked his family to take him to the mountains and leave him in solitude for seven days.

In a feverish state, Murai imagined sages in spiritual meditation using hand mudras, which he applied to himself as he went in and out of consciousness. By the seventh day he was completely healed, and he vowed to spend the rest of his life studying the connection between his amazing recovery and the mudras he had used.

Searching for answers, Murai studied the Bible (which he translated himself) and ancient Chinese, Greek, and Indian texts. But it was the Kojiki, the Japanese "Record of Ancient Things," that opened the door for him.

"He unraveled the mystery of a plain, old story, the Kojiki, which describes creation in allegories," says Burmeister. "He read into the words."

From his study of the Kojiki and his 50 years of personal experimentation, Murai concluded that Jin Shin Jyutsu was more than a philosophy of the body.

"Murai studied the Chinese acupressure points, then took them a step further by experimenting on himself and fasting. He compared what he experienced to the ancient acupuncture writings and compared them to what he felt. His experiences were much deeper than what he found in the writings. There is an awareness in Jin Shin Jyutsu that is deeper than technique," Burmeister says.

Theories of the body and philosophies of creation were far from Burmeister's mind when she met Murai in the late 1940s. A first-generation Japanese-American born in Seattle, she went to Japan to learn Japanese, not to study Jin Shin Jyutsu. "A young lady came to me and asked me to tutor her in English," Burmeister recalls. "It was through this casual meeting that some months later I met Jiro Murai at her home. The first words he said to me were, 'How would you like to study with me to take a gift from Japan to America?' I had no idea what he was talking about, but I went to hear him speak and knew I would stay to listen. I studied with him in Japan for five years, then in America through correspondence for seven more years."

It was 17 years, however, before Burmeister started sharing Jin Shin Jyutsu with others. "I just felt I had to know something before I could say I knew it. Then I realized you can't say you ever really know an art like this. One day I found myself timidly putting my hand out to a neighbor with a back problem and saying, 'Maybe I can help you.' After five years of working with her, I moved, and she then went back to her chiropractor, who called me soon after and requested that we meet. The chiropractor became my first student.

"After two years of sharing with the chiropractor, I started to translate and write down what I had learned from Jiro Murai. I'd stay up late at night after taking care of the children, writing and making drawings. The chiropractor said she had a few colleagues with whom she'd like me to share Jin Shin Jyutsu. Our group grew to about six students, including a psychologist, a physician, and another chiropractor. That's how it began."
Burmeister explains that our revitalizing energy, which flows up the back and down the front of the body, can become blocked in 26 "safety energy locks," or what she terms "specialists," located throughout the body and in the organs themselves.
"As we abuse our bodies in our daily routines, mentally, emotionally, digestively, or physically, our safety energy locking system becomes activated," says Burmeister.

"This is simply to let us know we are abusing our bodies."
A flow can be unblocked through a sequence of steps, or through a "quickie" step as simple as grasping a finger. The revitalizing energy then flows through the hands, or what Burmeister calls the "jumper cables," and can penetrate through clothing, even a brace or a cast.

"Light pressure goes through the skin and into the bone. If pain is present, it's because there is blockage and the pain is coming from the person, not the pressure. We don't have to dig into the very marrow of the bone. All we have to do is take away the dams."

Burmeister says that in Jin Shin Jyutsu there is no diagnosing, healing, or curing. "Some of you can go out today and look at the book and try this out. But you're not doing it, it's the light and the 'specialist' that are doing it. And the person you're working on says, 'Hey, my headache's gone.' But it's not you who's done it, it's the 'specialist' on step one, step two, step three, that's cleaning the debris for that particular complaint. We cannot do wrong because we are not doing anything. We are only jumper cables."

"Not doing anything" while at the same time doing something is one of several paradoxes in Jin Shin Jyutsu. Despite its esoteric principles, however, Burmeister maintains that Jin Shin Jyutsu is an inborn art that anyone can learn without much training.
"Plato said, 'Learning is remembering.' There's nothing we have to learn. We're always utilizing part of Jin Shin Jyutsu naturally, but as soon as we come into the world, it's 'gotta get,' 'gotta go,' 'gotta get your education,' and the skill lies dormant."

A student with a sprained ankle tells Burmeister that after her accident she has developed a habit of holding her wrist "That's helping the sprained ankle," Burmeister replies. "We carry a baby a certain way, and that's helping the little one without our knowing why. When a baby sucks its thumb, we tell it, 'No, no, that's wrong,' but the baby is telling us about its needs. It's in need of real energy, or its digestion needs help. Sucking the thumb helps the baby's nervous and muscular systems. As adults, we can hold the thumb and get the same result."

Burmeister says that Jin Shin Jyutsu not only aids the body, but changes the attitudes that underlie the physical symptoms. "Jin Shin Jyutsu helps everything from head to toe and toe to head. There are 27 trillion cells in the body, and if we smile, all 27 trillion cells smile with us. This is how we help ourselves in health.
"A five-year-old girl came in for a session with her parents. At the first session she was unhappy, all frowns. After the third session, she smiled at her mother and said, 'I love life.' Isn't that dynamic?"

During the five days of class, Burmeister shared other success stories. A woman in a wheelchair whose hands were stiff with arthritis was unable to enjoy her favorite hobby, knitting. A friend who was familiar with Jin Shin Jyutsu told her about holding the fingers. A few days later, after using Jin Shin Jyutsu on herself every night, the woman was knitting again.

A teenager working in a fast-food restaurant burned his arm in a vat of hot oil. His mother, a student of Burmeister's, placed her hands gently on his calves, the location specified in Jin Shin Jyutsu for helping skin ailments. The next morning, not only had all signs of the burn disappeared, but his complexion had cleared up as well.

Amazing as these stories are, I wondered how any kind of body therapy that didn't include direct and deep manipulation of the spine or muscles could be so effective. Although I felt tension disappear when Burmeister held my finger, I was not completely convinced.

Then I experienced a full Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment firsthand. In a class practice session, Burmeister took one look at me and said, "You're a 'doer.' You're always out in the world trying to get things done, rather than relaxing and letting things be."
From observing my body - the bend of my toes, my hands held over my stomach, my left shoulder higher than the right - Burmeister seemed to know almost everything about me. Yet she insists there is nothing unusual in what she does.

"When someone comes in for a session, I know the way they eat, I know what their needs are. And they say, 'Gee, you're psychic.' I'm not psychic. There's nothing mysterious about it. I'm just reading what the body is telling me."

At Burmeister's direction, one student placed her fingers under the back of my neck and another held my big toe and ankle. Two students on either side of my body each put a hand under my back. Then one of these students grasped my inner thigh at the knee, and the other put his free hand on top of my calf. Over the next 20 minutes I felt the tension in my back muscles melt away. Gurgles rose up from the depths of my torso. Toes and fingers twitched and moved. My breathing became deeper and more even. In general, I felt a sense of calmness, balance, and well-being. Even the puffiness in my cheeks disappeared.

Other students experienced their own small successes. Obviously something was working, but would the results last?

"The physical, mental, and emotional may be cleaned up for now," Burmeister says, "but if we go out and dirty it up again, we need to clean up the dirt, dust, and grime again. That's all it is. You'll just come in for more housecleaning, or you'll do it yourself."

Although dedicated to her work, Burmeister is hesitant to promote Jin Shin Jyutsu as a business. She does no advertising for her courses or private practice in Arizona, yet her classes fill quickly with students from around the world, and new clients have to wait up to one year for treatment. Watching and talking with Burmeister, I soon understood why: By living the simplicity, calmness, patience, and self-containment that lie at the heart of Jin Shin Jyutsu, she has become its best promoter.

"In Jin Shin Jyutsu there are no teachers or masters, they are all the same. I always say, 'Be the example.' We don't have to preach to other people. When people see me and say, 'You're so calm and relaxed. How do you do it, are you on pills or something?' Then I can tell them about the hands. The jumper cables are the light. I've been studying for 30 years, and I know nothing.

"I don't see a future. I'm just in the now. Whatever direction it is, so it is. Whatever direction comes up, that's what I am. We're having this interview because David (her son and business manager) said it's time to get out a little bit more. I never butt into God's plans, I just go along with what is. Life is not a struggle, life is enjoying the now. It's simple."

Kindly Taken from


Monday, October 19, 2009

The Trinity

Hello again, I promised to add the other 2 trinity exercise other than the main central vertical flow.
The 'Trinity' in Jin Shin Jyutsu consists of the Main Central Vertical energy - Universal Source of Life(see earlier post), the Supervisors (left and right energy-where the Organ Function Energy is which I will talk about it soon), and the Mediator (which keeps the crossing of the energies from left to right and vice versa harmonized and revitalised). The Trinity is a truly powerful combination of exercises as it addresses everything and helps everything on every level especially those hard to treat problems. Do all three exercises, or just one at a time and be amazed at the result you can see.

Self help for Harmonising Left and Right Major Supervisors Energy: (right flow) Place left hand on right shoulder (SEL11&3 area) and right hand on right groin (SEL 15) then after a few minutes after both hands pulse at the same beat, move the right hand and hold the right buttock (SEL 25). Reverse the hands for the LEFT flow. The Right flow helps the energy to ascend while the Left Flow helps the energy to descend. Its like "energy down the front and up the back".

Self help for Harmonising Mediator Energy: (to harmonise the left side energy) Place the left thumb over the left ring fingernail to make a circle (one of the mudra which I will cover some next time) and place the right hand over the left shoulder (over SEL 11&3 area). At the same time, bring the knees together. Mary herself mentioned in Self Help book 1: The Mediator energy is the main cause for disharmony in the body. It is vitally important to keep this energy functioning as it should for the ultimate supply of energy to the whole man.  Thus, if this energy is not in balance, be sure that lots of disharmonies would show up in the body. I am not trying to scare you but indeed many projects happen because of the disharmony in this energy pattern.

So yes, these 3 energy patterns are the most important in keeping the body in balance. Its like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for Christians. 1 cannot exisit without the other and they are all related in some sense, neither there are 3 energy source flowing in the body. There is only 1 energy course in the body moving simultaneously in the body which can flow easily, stuck/jammed or anything. Its just how we live our lives and what we do. You are the maker of your destiny.

In a more advanced note: If you've been on the 5-day Jin Shin Jyutsu seminar and have Text 1 and Text 2, then you'll find the Main Central on page 37, the Supervisors on pages 50 and 51, and the Mediator on page 53 - all in text 1. I am sure the instructors will stress on their importance of keeping these energies in total harmony and balance.

The Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help books by Mary Burmeister/ The Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister can be ordered from the International Headquarters, Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc in Scottsdale, Arizona. I have provided the link in the blog. Please purchase them if possible, it will be very helpful. Around the country, there are many self help classes/groups that one can join. If you are interested in attending any of these, email me and I will try to find a practitioner to further assist you.



Hey everyone, i will be helping to "decode" Nick's words today, together with the many stories of JSJ.

We're looking at choking on this post. People especially our kids choke on many things, small things like lego blocks, play dough, or the larger stuff we all choke on like fish ball, or mini mini stuff like fish bones. This will also help those who have problems in their esophagus, also know as their throat. These are those who have difficulty with eating as their throat would encounter problems.

In an acute situation we go to the emergency hold (choking, breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, sudden weakness in the body). Hold the inside of your knees. When we sit down and our legs come together at our knees, the line just below the knob of our knee, is the #1 in JSJ. If you are doing for someone else, keep in mind whether sitting or standing, it would be good to cross your arms and hold their inside of knees. This is because it helps bring energy down and there is a positive criss-cross of energy pattern.

Nick has also suggested shifting your hands, where instead of holding the person's inside of knees, you could also move you're hand one palm space up from the inside of knees, and on the thigh and hold it there instead. This is a more direct aid to the problem, but should you have any confusion, the #1 works positively as well.

Also another aide to the #1, is the #19. This is our inner elbow, and it deals with authority. Have you ever wondered why people fold their arms when they're irritated, angry, or intimidated by what someone else has said or is saying to or about them? This is the reason. Our #19 is authority. When we cross our arms, our fingers are often resting on our arms, and it is close to the high #19. Fold your arms but allow your fingers to rest on the arms, and shift your top two fingers another three spaces up and you are right at the high#19.

The high#19s help to open up two energy sites on your back (#9#10). These two sites are located at the mid and bottom of your triangular shoulder blade. As they reside in the chest area, it aides in clearing the chest and helps the digestive system.

The last # is the #12. It is located at the sides of your neck, meaning both sides. This is like in old chinese movies, where people try to check if a person is dead or not, they put their fingers at the side of their necks to feel their pulse. Same position, and this position would help clear blockages and obstructions in your throat.

For mothers who's children have epilepsy who tend to choke when they lie down, #12 would help, but a faster and more efficient way would be holding the big toes (#7). Use your right hand to hold his right big toe and your left hand to hold his left big toe. This will cause your arms to be in a cross position. Why the big toe?

Epilepsy is caused by too much electrical charge in their brains, and because it has no where to go, it goes haywire in the minds. This applies to those who's fits are more vivid, such as those who foam at the mouth, as well as those who do not foam, but tense up and twitch instead. #7, the big toe is the opposite of the top of the head, it is the bottom of the body. Holding the big toe, which is at the end of the body, will pull all the additional charge from the top of the head down, clearing their heads of the electricity charge, allowing for faster recovery.

This is a tried and tested method, as i use to teach children with autism, and one of my students had epilepsy. His fits could last up to 30mins, and parents, i know that that is a scary time frame, but with holding his big toes, 90% of the time he recovered just two minutes into the fits.

For those thinking about epilepsy, no, the electrical charge will not come into you instead. We are like channels for the negative energy to be removed from the body, but no, the energy will not pass to you, just channeled out. the body will have it's own way of discharging the negative energy, and seeing that epileptic children have no way of discharging that negative energy, our fingers work as jumper cables to help start their healing process, and as channels, we do not take their negative nor their positive energy.

Both Nick and I will spell more about jumper cables in the next few posts, so do stay tuned to how to better help everyone including yourself! =]


JSJ on how to open the throat

Hello all once again

Been some time since I last posted. Have been down with mild pneumonia. Recovering. These days just noticed how some people would choke (with anything from bones to fishballs, etc) and nothing seem to help using the conventional methods. Fear not because JSJ is here to help. This is also helpful for people who cannot descend food into their stomach due to problems they encounter in the esophagus.

Here is how to help:
In a situation like this - acute situation that is, go to the EMERGENCY hold (choking, breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, sudden malaise) which is to place the hands on the inside of the knees (SEL 1). If possible, go 1 palm above the 1s (High 1s) which is the more precise site to help this problem. These can be done with arms crossed or not. Personally I like crossing my arms (so that there are 2 energy patterns done-right and left energy patterns). Please see the 26 Safety Energy Locks Chart for the location. The ones are to be used in this kind of emergency because they BRING THE ENERGY DOWN. Also helpful for this situation is to cross the arms and place the hands on the upper arms (SEL high 19s). This also opens up the energy sites on the back (9 and 10) unknowingly and clears the chest area, as well as helping the digestive system in general. And finally, another helpful energy area is on the neck. Place the right hand on the right side of the neck next to the spine and the left hand on the left side of the neck next to the spine (SEL 12) - If something is in your throat, it will help treat it like never before...

For longterm 'work' on this 'project', there are many possible flows, but I would suggest The Trinity flows,  The Trinity Flows: Main Central (I have covered), Left and Right Supervisors and Mediator (Crossing Energies) -These 2 energy flows I will touch again in detail soon. Also the stomach/spleen flow helps which I will cover again soon in details asap.

Great luck

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hello! =]

Hi everyone, I'm Agnetta, thought most people would call me Aggie, seeing my name isn't the most common and easiest to pronounce names. Like Nicholas has already introduced, I have just started studying Jin Shin Jyutsu just this year. I know the name is a mouthful, and I promise after this introduction everything else is going to be short and sweet. =]

I know most people have yet to see the miracles and virtue of Jin Shin Jyutsu, so I will be the administrator posting more stories. (posting the steps can drive people nuts! =]) here's one..

this is the most basic flow, also know as the main central flow, which has been posted and can be found at the labels right at the bottom of the page. The previous post would include picture visuals for better understanding. This flow consists of 6 poses, and is one of the most basic where anyone can do and anyone can do for anyone else.

1. Put your right hand over your head, RIGHT, and left hand in the middle of your forehead.
2. Shift your left hand to the tip of your nose.
3. Shift your left hand to the middle of your sternum, also more commonly identified as the middle of your chest.
4. Move your left hand to the base of your chest, where your two sides of the ribcage meet to form a V.
5. Move your left hand to your pubic bone, coming from top down.
6. Lastly, move your RIGHT hand to your coccyx, the butt bone you sit on.

Notice that your RIGHT hand only CHANGES position ONCE, from the top to the bottom. Anywhere else in between, your right hand stays on your head. Also in the previous post, Nicholas mentioned about letting your pulse harmonize or synchronize. Most people who have just started with Jin Shin Jyutsu are usually unable to feel the pulse, theirs or someone else. If that happens, we have the cheat code, *this is for beginners only. students should be learning how to feel pulse already!* You hold every pose for 10minutes, so it gives the energy time to move through the body before you move to the next pose.

For beginners and this is the first time you're approaching Jin Shin Jyutsu, welcome, but just a note to remember, if this is your first venture, treatment is not instantaneous. if you don't feel results straight away, don't worry. It'll come.

As we progress through everyday life, stress, presures, little injuries, old injuries are always there to bog us down, and this will affect our body in balance, and as time goes by, we wonder why we feel down and out all the time. Mothers with children will always wonder why your shoulders will always hurt after all these years even after your children are grown. Dancers and athletes will wonder why muscle and bone still hurt long after retirement from sport. These are all the accumulated negative energy that is not let go by the body.

Here's my story of today:

My mom has four kids, and my youngest brother and i have an age gap of 10 years, making me 19 and him 9. For everyone's information, my youngest brother actually has down's syndrome, for those who are familiar with the term, but today's story isn't about him. My main antagonist is my mother. Having carried babies since i was alive till my brother was about 5 which would be 4 years ago, she has carried babies for 15 years. From lugging us around to carrying us when we whine and complain, the strain has finally taken toll on her shoulder. She suffered from a frozen shoulder for many years without realising it, only through JSJ did the problem surface. Now is JSJ the culprit? No it isn't. It helped identify a problem where there was a need, identification allows for correction to move on to better and greener pastures. Her shoulder was injured to the point where it became difficult to drive as it hurt to turn right.

Problem problem and problem. Here's the solution.

JSJ. It opened up her shoulder to recieve treatment and because of the accumulation through the years, although recovery is slow, it is definitely steady and obvious. She couldn't turn her arm from her shoulder to her elbow, couldn't raise her hand up more than 90 degrees, but now, after 3 1/2 months of JSJ, she can reach the clip i put on the top of her head. Though her arm is not fully recovered, it is definitely improving. 3 months ago when we went to see a physiotherapist, he suggested going under the knife. Not only would that have been additional negative energy, it was also a waste of time and money when JSJ is FREE!! Now she punches me back when i punch her, and i think she punches harder.

All because of JSJ. She never knew all the complicated flows before. She started out with the main central flow.

There is however some information to take note of. If your body is in serious disharmony or much in balance, when doing the poses, when the body discharges negative energy, it might have a tendency to twitch or jerk. THIS IS NORMAL. This is because what we do not understand about our body, the body understands about itself. It is pulling and pushing itself back into order. My mom will twitch when she does JSJ. Because of her arm injury, the body needs to pull itself back into alignment, making her move. It might look weird or freaky, it isn't. It's our body's way of pushing ourselves back together without having to go under the knife. This doesn't usually happen until later in the treatment, so for those starting, relax, you will not twitch at everyone touching you.

Back to the topic of the flow, though this is one of the most basic flows, it has other uses. For a general body regeneration, or balance and harmony, follow the 6 steps posted above. Should you have other minor injuries, such as a sore throat or a flu bug that seems consistently around you, hold the top of your head with your right hand, and with your left hand, more to whatever area that needs help.
Example, if you're having a sorethroat, hold your throat with your left hand. If you're having a stomachache, hold your stomach with your left hand. All with your right hand on top of your head.

So everyone, here's my sharing with JSJ. likewise, i am not a master, we are all walking this journey together, regardless of race and religion. this is our journey to getting the best out of one life to be lived.

Living life,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Introduction to a new administrator

Dear all

Let me introduce you to my new partner who would be joining me to posting about the experiences of JSJ. I believe you will see her under the profile page as onward christian soldier. Her name is Agnetta and is 19 only (same as me because young but interested in jsj also) and yeah I will leave the rest of the talking to what she would post in the future. Haha, I am sure this blog would grow as well with her in the team of sharing towards a common cause of jsj.

Best Regards

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Aid for Pain Relief

Hello once again
This is really an effective hold for times when people feel pain and need not know what to do. It is also good for people who constantly is in need of pain killers. This replaces the pain killers and I can tell you, no more pain. Helps in many situations, you can name the situation and I tell you that it will help situations in which can bring about a relief to people who constantly feel pain and after they try, they will tell you life is good no more pain. Whether you believe me or not the choice is yours.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Demonstration on how to hold the fingers


OK, These are the finger posts(note the colour also) that i would be talking/explaining about in the upcoming posts. This is in response to some questions asked about how to hold the fingers. In the meantime, note how to hold your fingers as it is very important and vital in the understanding of JSJ Self-Help. In addition to these 5 holds, these is one more which is to hold the palm which I will post later as well. Have fun and we will carry on from there.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Safety Energy Locks

Here is a very important piece of information to study JSJ which is the location of the Safety Energy Locks (Main points) or sometimes refers to points/locks of the body. When the body is in healthy state, the locks do not "get locked" but if the body is in distress with our daily way of life which abuses it, they locked up as they act as circuit breakers in the body. If they are not unlocked, energy reverses and go through another route. Just imagine a traffic system which is being overload, the body cannot function properly in such a traffic jam. Some of the early warning includes backaches, neckaches, leg pain, fatigue and if nothing is done to open them, more serious illnesses occur. Here is a brief idea about their profile:

This chart is very important as after this post, I would be posting information about how to holding these points to help body mind and soul so stay tune to this blog.

So if anyone needs help with the location of points, please email me and I will try to help. You can also email me any questions and I will try to respond asap.

Best wishes

Thursday, October 1, 2009

JSJ for Blood Presssure

Just heard from my friend that she always suffer blood pressure projects and cant really do much about it.

Here is a simple quicky which is to hold your Middle and little finger (Hold both is possible if not hold left only) If you are holding left, wrap your right hand fingers over the left hand till you feel a harmony of pulse. If time permits, hold your index finger as well.

A friend of mine have hypertension and of course her blood pressure was always very high. I always told her to hold these fingers and yeah she told me her blood pressure is regulated. Kinda relief to hear that. I am certain these fingers can aid for low blood pressure projects as well.

Quick and easy. Effortless reality. Its like a wow to ourselves. Now we have something to help ourselves and we are no longer defenceless to these problems that we face.

Try and see how it works. It can definitely help and improve your lives. Will add on a more detail post soon.


Intro Summary to JSJ

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu? This is kindly extracted from the international headquarters website of jsj for those wondering what Jin Shin Jyutsu is about...

Jin Shin Jyutsu® physio-philosophy is an ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. Born of innate wisdom and passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, the Art had fallen into relative obscurity when it was dramatically revived in the early 1900's by Master Jiro Murai in Japan.

After clearing himself of a life-threatening illness, Master Murai devoted the rest of his life to the research and development of Jin Shin Jyutsu, gathering insight from a range of experiences and resources, including the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Things). The resulting knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu was then given to Mary Burmeister, who brought it to the United States in the 1950's.
Mary Burmeister began teaching the Art to others in the early 1960's, and today there are thousands of students throughout the United States and around the world.
Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance to the body's energies, which promotes optimal health and well-being, and facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It is a valuable complement to conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects of stress.
Jin Shin Jyutsu employs twenty-six "safety energy locks" along energy pathways that feed life into our bodies. When one or more of the paths becomes blocked, the resulting stagnation can disrupt the local area and eventually disharmonize the complete path of energy flow. Holding these energy locks in combination can bring balance to mind, body, and spirit.
Learning Jin Shin Jyutsu engages one in self study, self help. Through the process of "now know myself" we recognize the wisdom of the body, and we learn to interpret the messages provided and utilize them to restore balance.
Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied as self-help and also by a trained practitioner. A Jin Shin Jyutsu session generally lasts about an hour. It does not involve massage, manipulation of muscles, or use of drugs or substances. It is a gentle Art, practiced by placing the fingertips (over clothing) on designated safety energy locks, to harmonize and restore the energy flow. This facilitates the reduction of tension and stress which accumulate through normal daily living.
For those of us addressing existing stress or health disharmonies, or for those simply wishing to participate actively in maintaining health, harmony and well-being, the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu is a simple and powerful tool, available to all!

JIN SHIN JYUTSU Mission Statement:

Through the dynamic Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu (Physio-Philosophy), our mission IS to create a safe environment for reawakening the true SELF. Being the testimony of this simple, profound Art of Living, made known to us by Mary Burmeister and Jiro Murai, we educate, harmonize and inspire ourselves and others through integrity, compassion, trust and freedom to BE.....NOW KNOW MYSELF.

"The truth is that within each of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and to KNOW complete Peace and Oneness to BE that beautiful creation of perfect harmony to truly KNOW (Help) Myself"

- Mary Burmeister

Have fun reading

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wonderful First Aid!!!

This first aid Jin Shin Jyutsu hold ADVANCES ENERGY INWARDS for the healing of all kinds of wounds conditions. If the wound is in a bad state, one need not touch and can place above the person you are treating.  

Just place your LEFT hand over your RIGHT hand and hold over the area affected and see the amazing effects working in your very hands.

Use this hold whenever you need to Keep Something In the Body, or to repair the body -

This hold closes cuts and heals wounds (There was a woman i know who avoided stitches once when she cut herhand, and the scar today is hardly visible).
Another man who has diabetes and had a deep cut on his hand which does not heal which the hand needs to be amputated as the wound just does not heal and gangrene has set it. After a few days of applying this method, the man returned to the doctor and the doctor say wow what did you just do? But whatever you did surely saved your hand. And yeah, you need to thank it.

Also useful for heavy menstrual flow - just place your hands over the reproductive area. And also useful for healing scars.

Worst case scenario (but  heard it works) - If there is an accident and the person has a large, gaping wound, then call the ambulance, and while you wait, place your hands in this position over the wound to keep everything intact in the body. And yeah, once you tried it, you would see how amazing this simple act that shows profound results which definetely would intrigued you.

Do the reverse (RIGHT hand over the LEFT hand) for taking out anything that does belong to the body eg: splinter, piece of glass, pimple, poison, burns, etc. The good thing about this is that when a glass piece is caught inside the eye, the splinter wound come out by itself. It is the energy that does this work.

One simple suggestion I will add for burns: Use the reverse method to draw out the burn (RH over the LH) and use the  method as shown in the picture to repair the damage skin (LH over the RH)

For both methods, the hands must he held at 90 degrees as shown in the picture above.

Have fun and I look forward to hearing success stories.


Friday, September 25, 2009

JSJ for Bloating Projects

Lately been reading a lot of people nowadays are having more and more bloating projects and are turning this to eating medication (sometime really strong ones) to stop this phenomenon. Thus, I have decided to comment on this. You can look at this in this manner, have you ever wondered why this bloat does to go off even after years of medication? The medication sort of cures the effect but not the cause. So I therefore ask you to go and think about it, do you want to get rid of this project once and for all or keep taking medication for the rest of your life? The choice is yours.

Ok, what is bloating? Bloating projects is when the stomach swells up with a lot of gaseous substances. There can be gassiness along with the swelling and a feeling of feeling uncomfortably stuffed or even nauseatic feeling. The culprits are very often dairy products and other hard-to-digest foods such as beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, brussels sprouts, oats, barley, honey and yeast which can also cause gas and an inflated stomach. Others like heartburn and acid reflux can also be caused similarly and can be hard to treat even with medication. Persistent symptoms should be checked, as they could be the sign of food allergies (do not confuse this with intolerances). JSJ definetely can complement your treatment and take you on the correct path to recovery. Personally, I do suffer from these problems and I can guranttee you that JSJ definetely helped me to overcome this problem I face.

First, you can hold your thunb, little finger as well as ring finger (For eg: hold your fingers with the opposite hand wrapped around them and hold each finger for as long as you like-best to hold until you hear a pulse that is in harmony and not a pulse that is jumpy which indicates disharmony for in which it is best to hold longer till in harmony) to help reduce the effects of bloating and see how it works. This is to utilise the bladder, gall bladder and stomach flow to aid in the process of reducing the effects. We will start of with this, will go more in depth next time.

Till then

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Main Central Self Help

Here is How to Perform the Main Central Self help; it is one of the most important flow for daily maintenance!!!

STEP 1 (R1)

Place the fingers of the right hand on the top of the head (where they will remain until step 6).

(L1)Place the fingers of the left hand on your forehead between your eyebrows. Hold for 4-5 minutes or until the pulses you feel at your fingertips synchronise with each other.

STEP 2 (L2)

Now move the left fingertips to the tip of the nose.

Hold them there for 4-5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronises.

STEP 3 (L4)

Move the left fingertips to your sternum (centre of your chest between the breasts).

Stay there for 4-5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronises.

D; hiccups; run down; allergies; coccyx; releases toxins

STEP 4 (L6)

Move your fingers to the base of your sternum (centre of where your ribs start, above

the stomach).

Hold them there for 4-5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronises.

STEP 5 (L7)

Move your fingers to the top of your pubic bone (above the genitals, centre).

Stay there for 4-5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronises.

STEP 6 (R2)

Keep your left fingertips in place & move your right fingertips to cover your coccyx


Hold for 4-5 minutes, or until the pulses you feel at your fingertips synchronise with

each other.

Please note that L3/5 are optional steps. Do it if you have the time...

To give you a general idea of what flow this is about, as the name suggests it is the Main Souce of energy in which our body receives so this flow is vital for our body to function in total harmony. It is recommended to do this everyday, for as long as you can!

Good also for/Complement body over heating (oversweat), hammer toes, helps to destroy toxic gases/unknown thingsin the body, helps body to flow energy in harmonious fashion, water retention, spinal projects, immunity projects, stress projects, calm mind. (some aid to guide you.)

Have fun,

Friday, September 18, 2009

Practicing the Art

OK this is my first official post about the Art.

Jin Shin Jyutsu How To Practice this Art

  • Introduction
I often describe Jin Shin Jyutsu as 'Acupuncture with the fingers' with a twist, but it involves no manipulation, pressure or massage, so it is safe for every body from 0-100+ years of age. This twist is Jin Shin Jyutsu is about the understanding of the relationships of the energetic world to apply to the physical body through Body, Mind and Spirit. So at times when you work on clearing the block energy, you may not touch that area at all but touch the area around it to clear blockages. From what I know acupunture help to increase or decrease the various organ function energy and are usually on the sides where the circulation pattern pass (please correct me if I am wrong).This ancient healing Art on the other hand harmonises and balances the life energy in the body by using the fingers and hands (over clothing) to alleviate symptoms of discomfort and disharmony. This 'energy medicine' is a gentle, yet powerful and profound tool for health and well-being which is yet simple to learn and has immediate benefits.

Learning Jin Shin Jyutsu engages one in self study, self help. Through the process of 'Now Know MYSELF' we recognize the wisdom of the body, and we learn to interpret the messages provided and utilize them to restore balance. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied by a practitioner, but it is also powerful and effective as self help.

  • The Jin Shin Jyutsu Treatment (by a Practitioner) and additional information
It is believe everyone can learn to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu as Mary always says that it is a inborn art of many that does not require much training to learn. In the session, the receiver lies face up and fully clothed. The JSJ practitioner uses light touch on the body over particular energy sites called Safety Energy Locks (has a 6 inch radius around these areas) along energy pathways and sometimes other areas as well. Two energy sites are held simultaneously until the tension or congestion is released. Then one hand is moved to another energy site, and along areas of the body where there is tension. Each energy site can take seconds or minutes to release and re-energise. Treatments generally take 45 minutes to an hour. Treatment can then be repeated 8 hours later.

Repeated treatments depend on the individual and the particular situation. Often it is for no particular 'problem', but as a preventative 'tune up' or just to treat oneself to a nurturing, relaxing and revitalising hour. After several Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments, a person can really feel the difference and has a sense of real balance and vitality, so they are better able to distinguish when they are out of balance.

Jin Shin Jyutsu has been a complement to aid in Heart surgery patients, Cancer patients, patients undergoing dialysis and studies in the US have shown that many of these patients who received Jin Shin Jyutsu lead healthier and better lives ever than before. Jin Shin Jyutsu is therefor a powerful available tool (24/7) and is inbuilt in everyone (all you need is your hands and the entire world is within your grasp-when you study jsj, you will understand what I say more).

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help
Involves the same procedure as above, only difference is that one places ones own hands on the body. It is believe that self-help procedure is 74% as effective as one being treated by the practitioner.

  • Others

Another thing is when searching for information about Jin Shin Jyutsu, I suggest to only search for Jin Shin Jyutsu and not other forms of Jin Shin which is inaccurate from the true intentions of Jiro Murai. Many times when I do a search on the internet, I am really amused by the rapid number of people who practices Jin Shin Jyutsu with their own version and change to suit themselves and then call it my art. Where is the integrity, I dunno, it simply do not work for me.

Have fun

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hi Everyone

This is my first post. In time, I would add more things about Jin Shin Jyutsu to share with the world about my passion for this healing art. Would like to dedicate this site for those teachers who have spent their life researching and promoting this art to the world mainly to Master Jiro Murai of Japan, Master Mary Mariko IIno Burmeister. I would show that age would not be a barrier in learning such arts and people around my age who yearns to learn things like this should bravely do so. Hope this blog could be a inspiration to many and help more people to see a brighter side of their lives through the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

To start of, I would like to mention that the upcoming post I would make would be strictly not official to the main Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc office in Scottsdale Arizona, United States of America and they are purely my own opinions. So people who choose to use the information posted are at their own risk and I would not be liable in such cases. And if anyone do not like the site, please leave immediately, nobody is forcing you to stay. This site is personal and people interested to understand more about Jin Shin Jyutsu from the insights I would share which I hope would be helpful and useful to many.

Till then